Digital Marketing

How to improve Google rankings for your keyword

Keywords are the terms that help rank your website at the top of the search results page. Ranking for keywords is difficult and takes longer to achieve organically. Ranking for keywords is a tedious task that can lead to positive results.

Keyword optimization and content are essential elements for a website that is new. They help to rank, drive more traffic and increase sales.

Step 1 – Create a website

Start building a website that is strong and then start to implement basic SEO techniques to improve your site’s ranking. To monitor the performance of your website and track its activity, add valuable and unique content.

To increase your website’s popularity, you should start building a network. This could be through blogs or social media. Learn the basics of link building.

Step 2 – DO Keyword Research

Google Keyword Planner can help you find the right keyword for your site. Use the various keyword tools to determine the search volume for the keyword and then choose the best keyword.

Consider the following before you choose a keyword

Select a long tail keyword

Select with high volume

Compare the competition

Use keyword tools

Analyze and compare your keyword list

Step 3 – Check out your competitors

Now, you can check the rankings and competitions of the keywords. For perfect on-page SEO, add the keyword phrase to the title tag and meta description. Incorporate the keywords

URL slugs


The meta description


The content description

Try to create unique content that is different from other blogs and content.

Step 4 – Keyword Intent

Keyword Intent, also known as search intent, is a tool that helps users find the keywords they need to achieve their goals. SEO is made easier by understanding the keywords intent. This will help improve your business’s actions. Keyword Intent allows you to determine the search queries of users.

Step 5 – Create the content

Create the content that ranks your keyword. There are many ways to create content on the website and rank keywords.

Create an article

Create a blog post

Post an infographic

Create the Links

Create a media post.

To get traffic from the organic search, create high-quality content using the targeted keywords.

Step 6 – Keyword Optimization

Keyword optimization refers to prioritizing your keyword for Google indexing. To optimize your page for high-ranking keywords, make sure you consider all factors. Update the text and add the headline.

Add alt text to images with the keyword

Include keywords in your headline

Add new content

Add the meta title/description

Modify the HTML page title

Step 7 – Publish & Promote

Once you have published the content, it is important to set a goal for promotion. To sell the product, you need to promote it.

Before you promote

Establish the goals

Promotion early

Learn about your influencers

Target your audience

Create the brand

Know your client details

Where can I promote my contents?

After the promotion, your website or product will be noticed. You can promote your content in every possible way.

Learn about your network

Share with your communities

Share on social media platforms

Create email campaigns

Promote your products beyond social media

Connect with your influential people

Paid Campaigns

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